Sunday, September 13, 2009

Talk, Talk...

I eventually had a bath about 6pm yesterday. Bill popped in as he was in the area. Once I had a bath I just had this urge to dress up and in another 20 minutes I was all dressed up and ready to roll.

My friend who invited me to the party is becoming a funny character. I tried his phone and it was switched off. So I sent a text and well bottom line is I didn’t go to his party which was good anyway as that is not really my scene but I just wanted to go out since I was dressed up. Then I returned a call from Kene as I was really in the mood to roll. He happened to be going out later at about 8.30, that would work.

So Bill came, I rushed dinner. He wanted to borrow my Troy DVD as I had told him that it had an extra CD that had a documentary on Greek mythology, describing the main Greek gods and a bit on their roles in the Trojan war. I love stuff like that so I went back upstairs to get him the DVD. On my way back down en route the living room upstairs I bumped into Dad, he just got back a few days ago. He's been with his wife in London for almost 2 months so I have been home alone. Anyway he hands me a duty free bag, with the usual, perfume. I get a lot of comments that I smell good, people tend to ask me what I am wearing, someone once said that every time I leave her office there’s just a long lingering sweet smell. Well it's courtesy of my Dad o. I don't think I ever run out or have to ever buy any perfume if I don't want to. He always comes back with a bottle. Courtesy of him I have worn perfumes I probably wouldn't have bought myself. My dad does have taste when it comes to stuff like that. I have been wearing 'Fancy' by Jessica Simpson and it's got such a sweeeeet smell, but this I think is more sophisticated. It's Eau de Parfum which is stronger than Eau de Toilette; ‘Absolutely Irresistible' by Givenchy. It has such a classy smell not my usual sweet, fruity stuff which is what I get when I have to request or buy perfume myself. My dear I love my Dad o, not because of times like this but because he takes care of me. I am not a child anymore but when you say someone is caring, that is my dad. He has his issues o and I won't even begin to go there but my dad will always ensure you always have a comfortable life. I say this because I speak to other people and I know what their fathers’ do and do not do for them. Getting money out of him is like squeezing blood out of stone. But he will give you a comfortable roof over your head, he will give you food, he will give you transport, he will make sure you are well dressed and that you are in good health. He does not joke with any of these areas... but 10 kobo you will not get from him. That's just his style.

Sometimes I actually wonder whether or not I have not been spoilt. I have been financially independent since I was 21. All the while in uni I never lived at home because I always schooled outside of London which was where we lived. When I left uni I moved out of home for while and then I moved back home. But when I moved back to Nigeria 7 years ago, I moved in with my Dad and I really don't think I can afford the level of comfort my dad provides me elsewhere especially with regards to security in this Lagos. I can count how many times I have slept outside my home. It's too much of a struggle. I have people come over all the time but to go over and sleep over is tough o.

Been planning to move to Abuja but I will just be moving to my dad's house there. Gosh, my dad has provided for his children, that is one thing no one can take away from him. I will never forget when I first moved back to Nigeria and needed some money and asked my dad to lend me 100k and he looked at me and asked me where he would get the money from…tee hee hee. My dad is something else. Both my parents are such frugal people. They just raised us to realise that money is to be worked for. In my house you borrow money and you pay back, you are not given money but you are given food, shelter, transport and clothing...

I met a guy a few days ago who said that his daughter cannot be 30 and live with him, in fact he went on to say that any woman who is unmarried and 30 has failed....I chuckled. I chuckled because over time I have realised that life is not so black and white, there are grey areas. I know my dad is seriously praying that a good man will come and marry me but I know he is happier that I am here while I am unmarried than out living on my own. Rest assured, I shall be here till I decide I want to leave or I marry. I am like my parents; I do not spend unnecessary money. Paying for rent that is not necessary. I am not under lock and key and my folks are more than enlightened so they do not cramp my style in anyway. Anything I cannot do when they are here, I don't want to be doing anyway.

Anyway we ended up at a show, some guy called ‘Jaiye’ playing an electric guitar with his band. It wasn’t bad at all. I had one shot of Baileys Irish cream for the road, funny that the last time I had that it was with the same person. Night ended on a good high note. Kene’s car has been in the workshop for a month now so I dropped him off at home. His sister comes out to open the gate just as we are outside. Really funny cos me and her supposed to be going out later this afternoon. Yep, I met his sister through him and we became friends so we hang out every now and then. So she’s kinda surprised to see me as we have planned to see the next day i.e. today and I tell her I came to drop her brother off. I can imagine what she’s thinking…

Ok enough said, I need to do at least 45 minutes on this elliptical today before I go out, not sure what to do as per where I will be going this afternoon with ken’s sister and her friend, I think we will just go to some lounge. Ok I need to get dressed.

Life is stranger than fiction and I will tell you why soon…

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